"Ghost in the Machines" is the nineteenth episode of the sixth season of the animated sitcom ''Futurama'', and originally aired June 30, 2011, on Comedy Central. It aired as the third episode of season 6-B, sixteenth in broadcast order for season 6 overall. The episode was written by Patric M. Verrone and directed by Ray Claffey. American actor Dan Castellaneta guest stars in the episode, voicing the Robot Devil. In the episode Bender, angry at Fry for valuing human life over robot life, kills himself in a suicide booth. Afterwards, he becomes a ghost, and learns from the Robot Devil that he is in limbo, and he cannot leave. Sharing a mutual dislike towards Fry, the Robot Devil offers to return Bender to his old body in exchange for using his new ghostly powers to scare Fry to death. The episode was written by Patric M. Verrone and directed by Ray Claffey. From May 15 to May 19, as part of its "''Countdown to Futurama''" event, Comedy Central Insider, Comedy Central's news outlet, released various preview materials for the episode. "Ghost in the Machines" received mixed to positive reviews from critics, who praised the episode's jokes, but felt that the resolution of the episode was predictable. ==Plot== During an accident at the annual city Parade Day, Bender witnesses Fry save a human, and not a robot, from being crushed to death. Incensed that Fry believes a human life to be worth more than a robot's, Bender goes to the nearest suicide booth. However, the suicide booth in question turns out be his ex-girlfriend Lynn, who murders Bender for dumping her. Because of the "murder", Bender becomes a ghost stuck in an infinite loop in robot limbo, where his software operates on the global wireless network. Unable to interact with anything or communicate with anyone on Earth, Bender is annoyed until he finds that the Robot Devil can hear and see him. The Robot Devil declares his anger with Fry over having been briefly stuck with his hands in "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings", and makes a deal with Bender that he will return him to his body if he scares Fry to death. If Bender fails, he will be damned to Robot Hell for all eternity. Though initially unsuccessful, Bender discovers that he can possess machines, and does this to attack Fry at home and work. After an unsuccessful séance with Gypsy-Bot, Hermes calls in Reverend Preacherbot to perform an exorcism. Preacherbot gives Fry a "sacramental firewall" that wards off malicious software within a short range. While Fry sleeps that night, Bender possesses the device and uses it to frighten Fry, causing Fry to suffer a heart attack. Bender returns to Robot Hell to reclaim his body, but the Robot Devil informs him that Fry has survived. In the hospital, Bender prepares to deliver one last scare that will kill Fry, but stops when Fry tearfully reveals that Bender's death taught him the true value of a robot's life. Bender is touched and refuses to kill him. Fry, terrified of the mechanical possessions, moves to the Amish Homeworld, where no machinery is allowed. Bender joins Fry, affectionately following him around as he adapts to his new life on the Amish Homeworld, but is unable to interact with his friend. When the crew visit the homeworld, the Robot Devil covertly arrives and insists that Bender must kill Fry. Bender refuses, now believing that human and robot life are equally important. The bulls pulling an Amish buggy are able to sense Bender's presence and become spooked, causing a giant geodesic dome barn to fall loose and roll towards an oblivious Fry. With no means of warning him, Bender possesses the Robot Devil's body (the only machine on the planet) and pushes Fry out of harm's way. The Robot Devil's body is crushed to death by the barn, and both Bender and the Robot Devil descend into Robot Hell as ghosts. The Robot Devil inhabits a spare body and taunts Bender for giving up his one chance at corporeality. Bender remains unfazed, happy to have sacrificed his life for Fry. He then immediately ascends to Robot Heaven for his good deed, but irreverently possesses Robot God in an attempt to return to Earth. Robot God ejects Bender back to Earth, where he inhabits his former body, which has reassembled itself. Bender and Fry happily reconcile until Fry accuses Bender of haunting him. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Ghost in the Machines」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク